The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
Winter CSA #3
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s online market is now open at ( Here you can order a custom CSA bag assembled from the seasonal vegetables of your choice. Online payment is fully implemented, and we’d like to thank the couple of early birds that helped us identify and correct an issue with the site last Sunday. Thanks for reaching out; you rock! For those of you who liked the system from last year, we are still offering a preassembled bag listed simply as “CSA Bag Complete.” This week it contains Red Cross Letuce, Broccoli, Spinach, Collard Greens, Kale, and Dill. If you’ve yet to explore the new site, we humbly invite you to do so.
This last week marks the first week we’ve experienced really troublesome weather. Our outdoor winter brassicas like Romanesco and Brussel Sprouts really took a beating on Wednesday and Thursday. All of the larger heads are showing rust-brown frost injury, though some of the smaller, more protected Romanesco still look healthy. For this reason, the suitable heads will be offered as a per pound item this week to account for their smaller size. Unpredictable brutal extremes of weather are one of the things that make farming so challenging. This past week we experienced record low temperatures, and this coming week we are seeing temperatures so high, our indoor tunnels will have to be fully vented for the first times in months.
The good news is, these indoor tunnels weathered the cold beautifully. The belle-of-the-ball crop right now is our Red Cross butterhead lettuce. Our coworker Caroline identified this variety as a type best suited to winter growing. Likewise, Red Cross will be a winter season exclusive. What an absolutely spectacular plant it is though! The whorls of brilliant red outer leaves seem to dance in whorls around its tender verdant heart. As a butterhead, the leaves are thick and melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Definitely consider giving this special lettuce a try.
As always, we thank you sincerely for your continued support of our farm. It’s your patronage that allows us to grow and expand our offerings. Despite some setbacks, we’re so excited to be moving into 2019 with you and your families.
With love,
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm