The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
Winter CSA #5
Dear CSA-ers
This week’s online market is now open at ( If you’re receiving this email, we invite you to try it out, even if you have not yet used it this year. The preassembled CSA bag this week will include: Lacinato Kale, Spinach, Red Cross Head Lettuce, Green Onions, Red Mustards, and a Broccoli Head. Remember that you can always add to it, or simply assemble your own bag from scratch. We do ask that if you choose to have your bag delivered, that your order total is at or over $25 after including the $5 delivery fee. Custom locally grown organic vegetable delivery is a unique service that we’ve worked very hard to implement. The parameters we’ve set are the minimums we’ve determined for keeping it cost viable, and we thank you for respecting them.
That said, all 4 of us have put a lot of thought in how to offer some whole season buy-in incentives. These sorts of memberships are valuable to us because they provide the upfront capital to purchase seeds for the year and alleviate some of the pressure of early season payroll while we are putting huge amounts of labor towards planting. For this reason, we are offering two levels of discounted buy-ins for our main season CSA. The first corresponds to a 12 week buy-in at a 5% discount. This option costs $285, and the 5% discount will be applied in the form of an additional $15 credit to your account. The second option corresponds to a 36 week buy-in and costs $720, this is a 20% savings realized through the elimination of the delivery fee from any order you place with us this year. There have also been numerous people who have requested the ability to simply buy-into a season’s worth of preassembled bags like last year. Choosing either of these options and specifying this in the “Notes” on the checkout page will allow us to enroll you in this way. Please note that this main season will begin April 4th. It is likely that we will not offer any delivery or online market during the month of March due to planting and lack of vegetables. If you choose to purchase one of our discounted options now you will still be able to use that balance towards any of your “winter interim” purchases during the next two weeks.
It feels like a lot of fine print, but coming up with the offers and terms for our CSA is just as much a part of farming as putting seeds in the soil. We earnestly strive to deliver you the best value. We want you and your family to thrive through eating our healthy locally grown vegetables. For us, that’s where the feeling of fulfillment comes from. We love being a part of your community, and we thank you so much for your support of our farm!
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team