The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #15
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s preassembled bag will contain Malabar Spinach, Romaine Head Lettuce, Garlic, Tomatoes (Cherry and Pink Slicers), Dill, Mint, and Swiss Chard. Custom orders can be placed on the site between now and Tuesday evening at
It’s been a week of both unprecedented challenges and successes here on the farm. With Ray, Jonah, Hannah, and Eric visiting family in Minnesota, we were down to the core. This made for extra farm responsibilities for us, and put time constraints on the planting, harvesting, and packing that we ordinarily handle. This caused for some heated moments, but ultimately, we came together and pulled through. We succeeded in fulfilling CSA, ran all three farmers’ markets, and got 14 of our grow beds planted, which may be a week record! Wow!
Even though the oppressive heat, and thick-enough-to-drink humidity makes the cool crisp air of Autumn seem far away, this is the critical time to get Fall crops started and in the ground. One of the most difficult things about farming is getting the timing correct. We must adapt to the uncontrollable elements like weather and find harmony within the rhythm of rhythms. Things being seeded right now include broccoli, veronica, collards, kale, beets, carrots, and radishes. We can’t wait to bring these to you and your loved ones.
On the topic of timings, a vegetable we’d like to highlight this week is our garlic. Growing garlic is truly a year long endeavor. The process began the week of the full moon last October when we planted cloves of garlic. Over the Winter, the cloves made tiny green sprouts and sent down deep roots preparing for Spring growth. Over the Spring, the plants fill out, flower (which you received as scapes), and then go dormant. When the plants go dormant in Late June, we harvest them and begin the “curing” process, which is a means by which the bulbs are hanged and dried for long storage. Now that curing is complete, they are ready for your bags this week and can be stored at room temperature on your kitchen counter. Garlic has been linked to heart health, and we like to believe it’s because so much love goes into growing them. We hope you love them too!
Thanks for being a part of our family,
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team