The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #21
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s preassembled bag will contain Malabar Spinach, Muir Head Lettuce, Mixed Hot Peppers, Mixed Eggplant, Icebox Watermelons, Opal and Genovese Basil. Custom orders may be placed between now and Tuesday evening on the website at:
It’s amazing how quickly the summer has clipped by. It seems like just yesterday we were talking about needing more shade cloth and then suddenly we are more concerned about Fall crops getting sunlight hours. Nonetheless, the cool weather is quite welcome. It bodes well for our brassica family vegetables like Cauliflower, Kale, and Broccoli. We should also be able to finish with strong bloom sets on our tomatoes. On that note, we’d like to apologize to anyone who was expecting fresh tomatoes in the preassembled bag last week, but instead received sundried ones we prepared during a time of more abundance. Predicting weekly vegetable yields is extraordinarily challenging. As we grow and learn as a farm, we hope to get better at this.
The waning days of summer are a bittersweet time. Eric has been working on a carpentry job at the University of Kentucky Research Farm in Princeton and Hannah has returned to Lexington to finish her Sustainable Agriculture degree at the University of Kentucky proper. Though we are happy for them both, their presence on the farm will certainly be missed. Angela, Caroline, and Patrick will have to take over their responsibilities for the time being, but this is just the way of things.
This week, our featured vegetable (or more properly fruit) is icebox watermelon! We are so excited to have succeeded with an organic watermelon crop. This was an extraordinarily challenging grow, requiring a great deal of space, timing, and maybe even some luck. The melons themselves are softball sized, but quite ripe and delicious. Watermelon has significant amounts of Vitamins A, B6, & C as well as the electrolyte mineral Potassium. Mostly though, it is fun and delicious. Our watermelons do contain seeds, which seems to be increasingly rare in store bought melons. We hope these bring you as much joy as they have brought us here on the farm.
As always, we thank you for your support as we learn and grow as a farm. We are striving to always be bringing you, our customers and community, a better CSA experience. If you have any input, recipes, or just want to reach out, please do. We love hearing from you!
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team