The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #34
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s CSA will contain Arugula, Butternut Squash (Amish Grown), Mixed Kale, Carrots, and Radishes, . Custom orders may be placed between now and Tuesday evening on the at
Welcome back! We hope you all had a good Thanksgiving holiday or have at least managed to get through another one. This can be a trying time of year on many fronts, and we are certainly not immune from the hectic-ness of the holiday here on the farm. Nevertheless, there are 3 more CSA bags left in the year, and we are both proud and grateful to be delivering fresh, locally grown vegetables so far into December.
Since the last newsletter, the team attended a day-long FSMA training which stands for “Food Safety and Modernization Act.” This is a broad Obama era policy just now coming into effect. The goal of FSMA training is to increase safety in the food industry, particularly in regards to preventing foodborne illness incidents (like those plaguing Romaine lettuce at the grocery). Much of FSMA is common sense, and a large portion of it relates to water-use practices that we do not use. Nonetheless we are always striving towards best-practices and seminars like this help us become a better farm.
This week’s featured vegetable is the radish. Radishes are really hip right now, and it’s no wonder because there are so many exciting new varieties. This year alone, we’ve put 5 varieties in bags ‘Sora’ (the classic round, red and white), ‘French Breakfast’ (the long finger-like red and white), ‘Pearl’ (round, solid white), ‘Watermelon’ (large round, green exterior, bright pink interior), and ‘Plum’ (medium, solid purple). Radishes are excellent for health as they contain Vitamin C and a smattering of trace minerals. Additionally, the peppery taste is caused by the presence of compounds that some preliminary scientific evidence suggests may be active against certain cancers and pathogens (particularly yeasts). This week’s bag will contain the ‘Plum’ radishes, and we invite you to “think outside the salad” and broaden your culinary horizons. Radishes are excellent roasted, in stir-fries, and as soups. The tops may also be cooked as greens.
As always, we thank you for your support of our farm. We are beginning to plan for next year and hope that you will join us for the 2020 season. Have a great week!
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team