The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #36
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s preassembled bag will contain mini tiger stripe pumpkins that are similar in texture a spaghettis squash with a pumpkin flavor. The bag will also contain spring mix, mini cabbages, carrots, kale, dill, and sun dried tomatoes in olive oil with garlic. Custom orders may be placed on the website at
We’ve made it! The final week of this year’s CSA, to be delivered, this Thursday, just two days before the Winter Solstice. This year has been full of both challenges and successes. Overall, we feel it’s been an important year of growth and has proved the resilience of the farm team on multiple occasions.
Work on the farm continues even as the chilly days become more frequent. This past week, we did our harvest and managed to make it to the Holiday Farmer’s Market in Paducah. For those of you who visited Patrick and Caroline there, thanks for coming out! It was a lot of fun! This coming week, we’ll work on planting the final high tunnel for Spring CSA shares, as well as doing more crop planning for the coming season.
As for next year’s CSA, we will almost certainly not be making any deliveries during January. If you have any remaining balance on your account after this week, it will simply roll over and be available to you when we resume CSAs after the winter interim. We may offer a limited availability Winter CSA, for you, our current customers, as early as February. We tried this out last year and it worked well. Some of that will depend on how the tunnel crops do and the amount of daylight (non-overcast days) we have this winter. We will be keeping you updated via email.
As always, but especially this week, we’d like to thank you for being a part of our community and CSA. Your support allows us to keep achieving and keep growing healthy delicious vegetables for Western Kentucky. We intend to continue improving upon our CSA service and are excited for what 2020 will bring. It is our hope that you will continue to be there with us.
Wishing you and the ones you hold dear the best throughout this season of holidays, and on into the new year!
Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team