The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA Newsletter
Dear CSA-ers,
Just a newsletter this week. We will not be having a bonus market as we are busy preparing for the main season CSA which will begin in March. All the seeds are ordered and have arrived. If you’ve been following along our facebook page, you might’ve seen a photo of Caroline preparing seed trays in the greenhouse. In just two weeks’ time, those trays should be ready for planting outside. It is remarkable to think that this time last year, that greenhouse was not even constructed. In many ways, we are far ahead of where we were last year.
Yet being prepared and being without anxieties are not the same thing. Outdoor plots are still very wet from historic winter rainfall. It has been our strategy to pursue very early plantings of all vegetable varieties. When it’s sunny and 68° in February that seems like the right move, but dips down to 14° are a bit hair raising. Nothing is certain in agriculture, but so it is with life as well.
There will still be a seasonal ebb and flow of vegetable varieties, even with early plantings. If you’re new to CSA, here’s an idea of what you can expect. Spring will have many leafy greens and rooted vegetables. As we reach summer, variety will expand. Some leafy greens will depart in the warm weather, but bold Summer vegetables like zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes will take their place. Towards the end of summer, late ripening peppers, eggplants, and melons will arrive. Autumn will see the return of leafy greens, as well as the arrival of hearty vegetables like winter squash, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower. By participating in CSA, you will get to experience fresh, local, seasonal eating. We hope that in doing so, you come to feel more deeply connected to the Earth from which our produce grows.
Though there is no bonus market this week, the market is open for the purchase of the 10, 20, and 40 week membership equivalents with their respective discounts. If you have any friends or neighbors who might be interested in receiving our local, organically grown produce, please encourage them to sign up!
As always, we thank you for your support,
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team