The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #14
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s Preassembled Bag will contain Spinach, Summer Squash, Kohlrabbi, Lovelock Head Lettuce, Swiss Chard, Snow Peas. Orders may now be placed on the online market at:
Bright sunlit days punctuated by bouts of heavy downpour have thrown growth on the farm into full throttle. This has some real positives in terms of vegetable production and keeping our water usage and irrigation bill at bay. The downside of this is that the grass and weeds that frustrate our production are also clipping along at full pace. To a large extent, agriculture is trying to find a balance between what can be managed by our actions and the things that are beyond our control. A wise and experienced grower once described this as “massively humbling,” and those words come to mean more each day.
That said, things on the farm are coming along very well. Those of you in Murray may have seen Hannah and Katie at our farmers’ market stand the past two Saturdays. We are also looking forward to being at Paducah’s market which is set to open two weeks from now on June 13th. We are rolling into the season of summer vegetables and with the season change, so too will the items we have available through CSA. This week we are coming into zucchini and spinach in a big way as well as our peak production of snow peas.
For this reason, our featured vegetable this week is Snow Peas. This was a largely experimental crop for us this year and one of our earliest planted outdoors. They struggled along, the sprouts frozen twice and nibbled by rabbits all March and April. We had largely written them off until just last week when they seemed to burst forth with flowers and delicious pods. These tender treats are nutritional powerhouses full of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, trace minerals, and dietary fiber. They are best stir-fried or lightly steamed after removal of the tips and fibrous string along the top of the pea pod. We are very happy to be offering this one in CSA and look forward to growing more snow peas in the future.
As always, we thank you for your support of our CSA. We love hearing from you and seeing what you create with our dishes. We encourage you to reach out at any time! Wishing you and those you hold dear the best in your week to come.
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team