The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
Weblog Entry
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s Preassembled Bag will contain Malabar Spinach, Muir Head Lettuce, Carrots, Garlic, Eggplant, Hot Peppers, parsley and chives. Orders may now be placed on the online market at:
Life on the farm progresses as we harvest Spring crops and plant the Autumn ones. In such intimate contact with the land, the cosmic cycles that have driven our world for millennia become observable. At this time of year, we begin to notice that the sunlight hours recede each day. The sun rises just a tiny bit later and sets just a tiny bit earlier. The change in day length is not a set amount through the year. Towards Summer and Winter Solstice, day-length changes just seconds each day, but as the farm moves towards the Autumn Equinox (September 22) this change accelerates to nearly 3 minutes a day. All things, in agriculture, and perhaps life, are cyclical.
The cosmic cycle of seasons is important to us because it affects what is in season and what grows well. At one point in human history, this would have been second nature to everyone, but this seasonality has been blurred by our modern era of refrigerated storage warehouses, 24 hour groceries, and international shipping. It is our hope that participating in CSA helps to reconnect to the Earth and its bounty through seasonal eating. It is not a stretch to believe that our bodies perform best when they eat what the Earth is providing in its proper time.
On the topic of seasonality, our heirloom hard-neck garlic have completed their curing time and are now ready for consumption. Curing is the process by which the garlic dries enough to be stored at room temperature. This year, the garlic is admittedly small, but we invite you compare flavor clove to clove, to what you get from the store, and there is no contest. We are still working to perfect garlic growing in this climate. While it was too late to implement much of what we learned at the OAK conference this Spring, we are excited to try some of the techniques from world-class organic farmers, Jean-Paul & Crystal Stewart-Courtens when we plant again this Fall. Regardless of size, heirloom garlic is a culinary luxury. We believe all the garlic lovers in our CSA will find that their spicy, savory flavor heightens every recipe that begs their inclusion.
As always, we want to thank you for your interest, support, and participation in our farm. Whether you are a market loyal, CSA regular, both, or simply curious about organic agriculture in Western Kentucky- we are glad to have you as a part of our community. We wish you and those you hold dear the best in your week to come!
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team