The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #26
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s Preassembled Bag will contain Green Beans, Spring Mix, Watermelon Radishes, Aji Dulce Sweet Peppers, Eggplant, Basil, & Oregano. Orders may now be placed on the online market at:
It is hard to believe that we’re near the end of August already. Summer’s heat is starting to lose its edge; cool nights move in quickly and the air is beginning to just barely smell like Autumn. Slowly but surely we’re beginning to move back into one of our stronger seasons for crop production. For those of you who have missed us at our physical farmers’ market locations, know that we’ve been doing some rebuilding and striving to keep the CSA online market the best that it can be. You are our priority. We want you, who have taken a personal interest in our farm, and trusted us to bring produce to your home, to have the best of all that we grow.
One of the most exciting projects we have been working on internally is foraying into pasture-raised chickens. The Magney Family has a great deal of experience raising pastured chickens in Georgia where the family lived previously. Some of you have already had the opportunity to enjoy our fresh farm eggs; we are now offering a very limited amount of meat bird portions as a trial. The chickens are raised and fed organically on our farm, protected from predators in mobile chicken enclosures (chicken “tractors”) that move to fresh pasture daily. The chickens forage through the grass where they achieve a diverse diet which is further supplemented by scraps from processing the vegetable portion of our CSA. For food safety reasons the chicken operations take place on a separate portion of the farm from where the vegetables are grown. What we like is that chickens help compliment the ecology of the farm allowing us to reduce the waste created internally and utilize portions of the farm with terrain unsuitable for vegetable production.
Again, chicken shares are extremely limited this time around, and we are only listing 4. We chose to offer a larger portion as there are special considerations with chicken as it must be delivered and received frozen for food safety reasons. If you choose to buy one of the trial portions you will receive a phone call or email this week making sure that we can coordinate a delivery time when you will be able to accept your chicken. Additionally, we will be able to answer any questions you may have. If you want chickens but miss out this time around, there will be one more round this year in October. Please inquire if you wish to reserve one of those. There is other good news on the chicken front as the new rotations of laying hens have begun to produce their first eggs. Likewise, the amount of egg portions listed will increase within the coming weeks.
Maintaining a diverse CSA year around is hard work. For this reason, we are grateful to our farm team, who work diligently at their components to make the system work in rhythm. Yet ultimately, it is the support of you, our customers and community who make such a unique system possible. We thank you for your support and welcome your feedback always. It is our intention to keep improving our CSA and the online market offerings. It fills us with joy to see sustainable organic agriculture begin to take root where we live.
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team