The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #27
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s Preassembled Bag will contain Malabar Spinach, Head Lettuce, Beets, Mixed Peppers, Green Beans, Roselles, and Chives. Orders may now be placed on the online market at:
As we prepare to enter September, we’re feeling blessed that the remnants of hurricane Laura that reached the farm on Friday were mild. Rain is usually good, but the chance for high winds is always nerve racking. Winds can threaten tunnels and potentially wreak havoc on the movable “chicken tractors” that protect our flock. Overall the Fall vegetables are looking very healthy, and we are excited to see the youngest rotation of hens beginning to lay eggs. This will allow us to achieve our goal of listing more eggs from our organically fed and raised chickens on the online market.
We would like to highlight that there are still some portions of meat chickens available for sale on the online market. Since this is a special high value item, the delivery fee will not be charged. Unfortunately, the delivery fee will still show up when you click purchase, but we manually remove it before the item is billed. This is a limitation of the platform we are using. Admittedly, there are many things we would like to change about how the online market works. However, we have not yet found a better platform for delivering the level of CSA customization that we desire to offer to you. We appreciate your patience with the site.
This week’s featured vegetable took some patience to grow, but it is sure to be a conversation starter! Planted in April and just now fruiting, it is called “Roselle.” Roselle is a type of edible hibiscus flower, that is popular in the food and beverage of the tropics. We decided to try a couple rows in our high tunnels, and the plants seem to love it there. The edible portion is the outside covering of the ripening seed pod called a “calyx”. The calyx bright red and claw-like, having a tangy flavor akin to a sweet-lemon mixed with cranberry. We recommend using the calyx peels as an exotic salad topper. Additionally, there are a number of refreshing beverages that use Roselle steeped, juiced, or muddled. Try it in juicing blends, cocktails, or simply enjoy their sweet-tart flavor as an out of hand snack.
As always, we would like to thank you for the support of our farm. We have drawn in a bit lately for the purpose of bolstering our CSA. Now more than ever we are grateful to be serving you and those you hold dear by directly delivering freshly harvested food from our farm and local area.
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team