The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #32
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s preassembled bag will contain Malabar Spinach, Romaine, Chives, Radishes, Peppers, Collards and Garlic. For those of you placing custom orders, you may do so between now and Tuesday evening on the website at:
The fencerows ignite fiery red as the sumac trees harken the arrival of Fall. Black gum has bronzed to burgundy, while sweetgum, ash, maple, and all the others quickly follow suit in the colorful dance of Autumn. This year, the conditions necessary for a beautiful Fall have aligned. We have had cool temperatures, adequate late summer rain, and little in the way of violent storms. Great Fall colors also mean that conditions have been ideal for the growth of Fall vegetables. It is always impressive to see how quickly our cool season vegetables grow at this time of year.
Yet, with agriculture, there are trade-offs. As crops like arugula, carrots, kale, and swiss chard return to form- others like squash, cucumbers, peppers, and eggplant begin to reach their end. Thus the cycle of “seasonal eating” turns anew. There are people who believe that eating seasonally better prepares the body to meet the challenges of each time of year. Indeed, it makes sense that as overcast days increase and weather grows cooler, the rich mineral content and high vitamin C of the leafy greens do our immune systems well. While it is difficult to objectively prove a supposition like this, we do hope that our service makes eating locally and seasonally both easy and accessible to you and your loved ones.
A vegetable we are excited to have returning this week is the French Breakfast Radish. This variety was first documented in 1879 and was popular in Parisian markets where it became a mainstay of French cuisine. How it became associated with the word “breakfast” is a little more nebulous, as radishes seem to be more often enjoyed for lunch, dinner, or midday snacks. Try them French style, sliced longways and spread with a bit of butter, salt, and pepper. They are also an excellent addition to salads and stir-fries. Remember that the tops of the radishes can also be eaten, cooked in the same way one would prepare mustard greens. This rotation of French Breakfast Radishes looks great, and we are excited to be bringing this popular variety back.
As always, we would like to thank you for your support of our farm. It is your interest and participation that allows us to grow CSA and expand the variety of items we offer through our service. We wish you and those you hold dear the best in this week to come.
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team