The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #34
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s preassembled bag will contain Arugula, Radishes, Lovelock Head Lettuce, Beets, Mixed Peppers, Chives and Parsley. For those of you placing custom orders, you may do so between now and Tuesday evening on the website at:
The leaves are raining down in droves with each gust of wind. It is amazing to think just three weeks ago we were just starting to see Fall colors. Relatively dry weather has hastened the onset of Autumn and made for abrupt swings between day and night temperatures. We experienced the first frost scare of the season on Friday morning, but ultimately temperatures in the Pleasant Valley were milder than predicted.
Even as frosty weather begins to appear, there is still a lot of growing to be done in the outdoor beds. The farm utilizes gigantic sheets of “frost cloth” to protect some of the more tender crops like lettuce, whereas others like the leafy greens and radishes are undaunted by light frosts and won’t require protection until we are in the “hard freeze” range of 28 F and below. Planting the tunnels for winter CSA is now underway. Stacey and Patrick spent Friday clearing a tunnel and making a final harvest of the Roselle Hibiscus. We are excited to be making some sweet holiday treats from that harvest. Additionally, some of our local business allies are working on a couple of special Roselle products. We won’t spoil it but be on the lookout!
A Great Radish Forward Salad with Lemon:
10 medium or 12 small red radishes, scrubbed
3 large ribs celery, ends trimmed, peeled
1 cup tightly packed fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice or more to taste
¼ teaspoon kosher salt; more to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper
Trim the root and stem end of the radishes. Halve them lengthwise and then thinly slice them; you should have about 1½ cups. Thinly slice the celery. Combine the sliced radishes, sliced celery and parsley leaves in a medium bowl. Add the lemon juice, salt and olive oil; toss well. Add several generous grinds of black pepper, taste and adjust seasonings, and serve.
Today’s featured vegetable is arugula. This week’s CSA portion will contain generous bundles of fully grown arugula. This is the same plant as our baby arugula and can be chopped and eaten in salads the same way. However, the larger leaves and portions also make for an excellent cooked green. Try chopping them then wilting in a pan with a bit of your favorite oil. An optional splash of vinegar can be added at the end. Alternatively, cook them down Southern style in chicken broth. Arugula is superbly healthy any way it is prepared and cooking tones down its peppery bite. As the weather gets cooler, we would encourage you to get creative in your kitchen and really savor the joy of cooking with our fresh organic vegetables.
If you’ve got a great way to prepare vegetables, we’d love to see! Either tag us @Magney Legacy Ridge Farm on facebook or email us a recipe. We might even share it in the newsletter! As always we are so grateful to be part of this community and for your support of our organic farm. You make it all possible!
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team