The Weblog
This page will contain the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Weekly Newsletter.
CSA #40
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s preassembled bag will contain Brussel Sprouts, Kale, Tatsoi, Beets, Power Greens, Chives/Garlic and Dill. For those of you placing custom orders, you may do so between now and Tuesday evening on the website at:
We have reached our last delivery of 2020! We have delivered 43 weeks of veggies this year, including bonus markets in January and February. Though this past week has brought some lovely days of bright sunshine and warm weather, but the season of winter looms just 8 days away. Though the farm remains ever full of life, the sheer lack of daylight hours brings vegetable production to near stand-still. Even the chickens experience a decline of egg-laying during the winter months, which can make numbers difficult to predict (our apologies to those of you that had egg orders refunded last week). Nevertheless, we have a solid market listed and expect to finish the season well.
Once we are through this week, we will resume main season CSA in March. It is possible, that we will have a couple “Winter Interim” markets in January/February like last year, but these are largely contingent on weather and how it affects the crops we planted in Late Fall. If you have any remaining balance on your account after this week, it will roll over to next year as always. We will be in touch regarding winter markets and next year’s CSA through facebook and email; if you have any questions you may always contact us!
Though we say it every week, we want to thank you for being a part of our CSA. Perhaps this year more than ever, the resilience of the farm has been tried by both global and personal circumstances. Despite all, we are finishing the season in a good way. We are grateful to be part of a community that is adaptable, supportive, and strong. You enable us to pursue our passion of growing and delivering healthy food. Already we are ordering seeds and planning the planting maps for the year to come. We hope you will join us, again in 2021, supporting local agriculture through the Magney Legacy Ridge Farm, and sharing in the abundant bounty of the fertile soil of West Kentucky!
Sincerely,The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team